Enneagram Seminars

These seminars are given to know and understand our temperament better. With Enneagram seminars people discover their potential possibility and capabilities. They get the chance of improving these potentials and reduce the risks. The goal of Enneagram seminars is allowing a person to be aware of themselves and understand others.
Enneagram seminars are given under various topics:

Enneagram Basic Seminar

Content of the seminar:
An all-around approach to people
The root of temperament and personality
What is Enneagram? Its history
The dynamics of the Enneagram system
Types and basic searches in Enneagram
The types of emotion thought and behaviour processes of different temperaments.
Branch effects of temperaments
Stressful and relaxed fields of temperaments
Health levels of temperaments

Goal of the seminar:
It aims to provide insight for a person to know themselves and understand others. The discovery of strong traits, understanding of potential risks, realizing the roots of recurrent problems in their lives and informs them about personality types centered around temperament in order to be able t live an efficient and meaningful life.

Who can take part?
Teachers, school counsellors, parents, psychologists, group coaches, mentors, entrepreneurs, school administrators, human resources professionals, scenario writers, advertisers, people who are searching to know themselves and understand others better.

Duration of the seminar:
2 days, total of 12 hours

Active Use of Enneagram in Therapy

Content of the Seminar:
Personality and its components
Basic personality theories
9 personality types according to Enneagram
The connection of each personality type with psychopathology
Therapy approaches for each personality type towards psychopathology
Health levels of each personality types, changesand information about healing

Eu011fitimin Amacu0131:
Terapide enneagramu0131n aktif olarak kullanu0131mu0131; terapiste yolu ku0131saltan, elindeki alet u00e7antasu0131nu0131 zenginleu015ftiren bir yetkinlik sunar. Danu0131u015fan au00e7u0131su0131ndan baku0131ldu0131u011fu0131nda; terapiye getirdiu011fi soruna sebep olabilecek mizacu0131na bau011flu0131 duygu, du00fcu015fu00fcnce ve davranu0131u015f repertuaru0131nu0131 tanu0131masu0131 yanu0131nda, kendi kiu015filiu011fini derinlemesine anlamasu0131, sadece problemi hakku0131nda deu011fil aynu0131 zamanda u201cen iyi kendisiu201d olmasu0131 su00fcrecinde de rehberlik iu00e7erir.

Kimler Katu0131labilir?
Psikologlar, psikolojik danu0131u015fmanlar, psikoloji ve PDR u00f6u011frencileri katu0131labilir.

Eu011fitimin Su00fcresi:
2 gu00fcn, Toplam 12 saat